Cloud ERP for business

Cloud ERP is the future of business systems. It is flexible and adaptable to the needs of a company, allowing it to fit your bespoke needs. Additionally, it can be utilised from more than one centralised location, which make Cloud ERP systems an attractive proposition for organisations of all sizes as you look to plan for the future of your business – a future that might contain a need for flexible working.

But why exactly is Cloud ERP the only type of ERP that businesses should be considering, and just how can it change a business in a positive way? We discussed the topic with our ERP expert to get the lowdown on Cloud ERP.

Georgi Nastev
Project Delivery Manager

“When we are specifically talking about Business Central, it is important to think about the cloud. Cloud ERP is relatively easy to implement and cost effective. It is particularly favourable for small enterprises since it reduces introductory investment and hardware implementation expenses. Cloud ERP is typically billed on a per-user, per-month subscription basis.”

“Agility is a pre-requisite for business growth – adapt to survive. Cloud-based ERP programmes offer improved flexibility, accessibility and easy integration, making them a must-have in order to support dynamic business models and diverse requirements.”

“Cloud ERP systems widen the scope for implementing bespoke features to meet specific demands. They’re also compatible and easy to integrate with new age technologies, applications, servers and systems. Applications on a Cloud ERP system work in an open environment with easy accessibility. It allows employees to access information anytime, from anywhere using any device with a secure internet connection. The agile features of Cloud ERP make it a scalable option for mid-sized businesses.”

“As business operations become more and more data intensive, ensuring data remains private is an absolute essential. Recent cyber security attacks have increased the challenges of maintaining data security across on-premises ERP centres, since they may not be adept at responding to cyber security protocols. Cloud ERPs on the other hand, offer a higher degree of information safety and ensure secure encryptions. Most Cloud ERP solutions comply with standard data privacy regulations and follow pre-defined procedures to forecast risks and respond to malicious activities.”

“Compared to on-premises ERP systems, Cloud ERP solutions are faster and more scalable. They help businesses streamline performance across key areas of all business operations, including efficient resource planning and allocation. Cloud ERP systems run on strict SLAs and standard procedures, leading to fewer periods of downtime and increased speed.”

Cloud ERP for business

“New patches and upgrades are automatically updated on the Cloud, keeping the system up-to-date and enhancing company productivity. Also, since they are hosted, maintained and secured by experts, businesses can focus more on their core competencies and improve overall business performance.”

“A large benefit of Cloud ERP systems is the ability they provide for businesses to work anywhere. This has proven particularly useful over the last 18 months for organisations running Cloud ERP, such as Business Central, who have been able to reap the benefits of their business system, despite the switch to remote working they will have experienced. The entire business will have been able to continue to operate with the same information at its fingertips because of this.”

“Even better, the security of backups is not a concern. By buying into the Microsoft ecosystem (with a cloud-based ERP system such as Business Central), you are receiving the customary level of security from Microsoft, as well as receiving new features from them without any extra cost, and as a result, no hassle.”

“All of the above makes Business Central scalable to fit not only the current state of your business, but where you want your business to be in the future. This means if you have growth plans that involve adding employees or new locations, you do not need to start from scratch with a new business system.”

“Cloud ERP is clearly the best option for businesses of all sizes, right now. This can be seen by the sheer number of organisations, including the likes of Pernod Ricard and Heineken that are currently implementing, or looking to upgrade to Business Central. This proves it is the perfect type of ERP for businesses, regardless of their size.”

Want to explore the world of Cloud ERP, as delivered by the experts? Call Neuways on 01283 753 333 or email

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